Coping Stories
Watch how adolescents, who have attended The Comfort Ability program, have learned to better manage their pain.

“Once I did cognitive behavioral therapy, it helped me, and I got to learn different techniques that I could do by myself and that I could do with other people.”

“I wish I knew at the beginning that there was a light at the end of the tunnel. And that Joe would get better because he did.”

“For me, coping with pain, I tried a lot of different strategies. The best strategy was the breathing techniques that I actually learned from Comfort Ability.”

“Every child's chronic pain and their medical situation is unique and different. And I think one of the things that we learned was that there is not a cookie-cutter approach to getting better.”

“It was really important when I did The Comfort Ability clinic to learn that I wasn’t alone. Other people had the same feelings about their pain that I did and that was really eye-opening because chronic pain can feel very lonely, even when you have a great support system.”
“Within the first few minutes [of The Comfort Ability program], you actually look around and realize you’re not going through this alone.”

“Having a repertoire- a bag of tricks- to turn to when having a pain episode or a bad day was extremely helpful and knowing that if one didn't work not to give up- to move on and try an additional technique.”